A Join us in ministering to lord in San Diego

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Join a worship team

Join a weekly worship set! 

The prayer room is designed to facilitate corporate adoration and agreement with who Jesus is, and what He wants to do. Here’s what our worship sets include:

Repetition – Around the throne of God, there are choruses being sung day and night – in fact the same song heard by Isaiah was heard by John hundreds of years later. It seems that God enjoys repetition. Also repetition helps the room come in to agreement.

Spontaneity – We make room for the Holy Spirit to direct us in spontaneous choruses, prayers, and melodies of the heart throughout the worship set.

The Word of God – There is an emphasis in singing the Word and taking time to spontaneously respond to Scripture as we lead worship. (Colossians 3:16)

become a prayer leader

Join a worship set as a prayer leader!

At the heart of the IHOPSD is the prayer room, inspired by David’s tabernacle. We want to offer Jesus unceasing adoration, while contending for justice and the power of the Holy Spirit to manifest and bring transformation to every sphere of society.

Our format is based on the heavenly picture that we see in Revelation 5, which speaks of the harp and the bowl – worship and prayer integrated together. We follow this format in the following 4 ways: Worship with the Word, Intercession, Prophetic worship, and Devotional Worship.